Okay, so yesterday I went to the Eye doctor with The Hubs and learned the following things...
1- You should change your contacts every 2 weeks
2- The Hubs has "robust" nerves in his eyes
3- Our insurance stinks
4- We love our eye doctor!
Want to know how I learned those things? If not then just stop reading....
So we headed into the doctor because both of us were out of contacts and our prescriptions were expired so we couldn't order anymore. Yup, why else would we get regular check ups right? So, we waited for a few minutes and then they took us on back after doing the freaky test that you look at the tree and then they puff your eyes...me? I had to get my eyes puffed twice each because as soon I know that's going to happen then I can't keep my freaking eyes open!
She examined me first because I had my contacts in at the time, I always feel so stupid when I look at the line of letters with one eye and then when you switch eyes you can see it better and realize that you were way off. She was nice though and didn't laugh too much at me.
Then I took out my contacts and Luke took a turn. She apparently was in love with Lukes eyes she kept on saying how perfect they looked and so healthy! Of course we spend a ton of money for him to be able to wear dailies and throw them away at the end of every night so that his eyes don't feel like a desert! She then told us that she had recommended last year that we get our eyes dilated...ew. So she gave luke the drops and told him she'd check him again after me.
Then it's my turn, she asks me how I feel my eyes have been doing. I told her sometimes by the end of the day my eyes feel a little blurry and they hurt but it's normally because I need a new pair of contacts. She then asked me how long I normally wear my contacts. (I was thinking the right answer was four weeks for some reason) So I told her that I change them once a month but I'm not perfect at it. So she then examined my eyes telling me that I have blood vessels where I shouldn't have them and that eyes do that when they don't have enought oxygen. This is normally a result of not changing your contacts often enough or using a generic brand of contact solution (which I also do) She then informed me that you should be changing your contacts every 2 weeks....OOPS! So she kicked me out of the chair and looked to see if Luke's pupils were big enough, sure enough they were huge! So we switched spots again.
This is when she really fell in love with his eyes. She was explaining that when she does this she can basically see everything in your eye including nerves, and your eyes are the only place you can do this. So the eyes are more than windows to your soul, who knew right? Wel she said Luke had VERY healthy nerves....she then went to say in fact she would describe them as robust! She was very excited lookin inside his eyes.
Then it was my turn again, she said that my nerves were very healthy as well but not robust...dang it! But we both got a bill of clean health other than my vessels showing up where they shouldn't. So she left to go get some trials for us and Luke was giving me a hard time for wearing my contacts for so long....I then informed him that I just said that because I thought it was correct, I normally go longer. In fact, my current contacts I had in were probably at least 2 months old.....Yup he got pretty upset and said he was going to tell on me. But luckily he didn't.
Also, the whole time she was talking to Luke about school, what she has to do and that he's welcome to come and shadow her if she'd like because he told her he'd thought about going into optometry..I hear a new one every day. She is very very nice and I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone. Her name is Dr. Keiser at the Sugarhouse Vision Clinic.
Then she got us our contacts, we paid our 70 dollars...yup that's ridiculous and we were on our way. I learned a lot! :) Here is some pics for your viewing pleasure of us in our dilated glasses....
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