So we had a great weekend this last weekend, so I thought I would share all of you....if anyone is reading this. :)
Friday I was counting down the hours all day at work because I was just so excited to spend some time with the hubs! So, we decided to use the deal that Luke got on Groupon and use our movie tickets to finally go see Pirates of the Caribbean. We splurged and saw it in 3D because the tickets cost a total of 5 dollars even with the extra fee. First we went to NYPD pizza and had some yummy pizza and wings. Highly recommend that place! :) 

Then we went to Tinseltown in Layton...which I don't recommend spending almost 12 dollars a ticket to go hear, it basically felt like the theater in Bountiful that costs 8 dollars...but the movie was amazing! We didn't go until 10:15 since we wanted to have dinner first so Luke was half asleep for the whole thing and ended up buying a 4 dollar drink to keep us awake. I highly recommend that movie! I love Johnny Depp and I think he's done an amazing job as Jack Sparrow in all of the movies.

Saturday we started out with doing some yard work in the morning, we thought we had gotten up early enough to beat the heat but we still got pretty hot and called it quits before we did everything we wanted to do. I did manage to shatter our neighbors van window while weed whacking, which I felt completely awful about! We told them we'd be willing to pay for a new one, but I am glad whatever flew out and hit the window didn't fly out and hit me!

Then we relaxed and watched our current series addiction...Veronica Mars until it was time to get ready for the Bees game! I was so excited to win tickets on 101.9 the end for the game and that it was a night they were doing fireworks. So Luke, Joe and I all loaded up in the truck and headed to Downtown Philly for a sandwich before the game.
If you haven't tried that place yet, you should! It's downtown by the Broadway theater, and I've never had a Philly from Philly but this place is delicious and supposedly very similar. Then we made our way down to the game and found our seats which were actually really good and not around a whole ton of people.

Unfortunately eventually a group of people came and sat by us with sunflower seeds....which is fine it's a baseball game right? Not when they spit the seeds right by your feet, and some even landed in the ladies purse in front of us! EW!
I really wish now one of us would have said something...but such is life. The game went on forever..I'm not even sure how many innings total but we stuck it out to the end so we could see the fireworks and I'm super glad we did! They were amazing!

Lastly on Sunday we slept in and headed up to Layton to see my awesome nephew get ordained a deacon. We are so proud of him! Then we headed home and just slept and relaxed the rest of our Sunday away. Other than of course watching Dallas win The Finals! I am not a huge basketball follower but I sure was happy the dream team heat didn't win. :)

Now if I can just get through 4 more days after today we'll be in another weekend and I have a feeling this weekend is going to include penguins. :) Happy Monday everyone.
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