Friday, October 24, 2008

Home is where the heart is!

I just have to tell you guys how much we love our new home! We still haven't completely unpacked all of our junk, I wish we could just throw out everything that we haven't unpacked yet! What else do you need besides, clothes, food and a TV? Well, I'm just sitting here on our couch in our roomy living room surfin the web and bloggin! What can be better? I saw some super cute halloweeners walkin around the complex today and it made me so excited for Halloween that is just a week away! I can't believe how time flies when you aren't really keeping track ;) Hopefully I will get the rest of our house unpacked and hang our pictures so I can take some pics and show you guys why I am so excited for our super cozy home with purple carpets. Me and Luke have such a big decision to make this weekend, He was offered a promotion at work, which means he himself would be making more than we made combined last year! But, it also means cutting down the hours at school and some travel. (paid for of course) It's such a hard decision in these times whether it is worth it or not! But, We both just have to remember that no matter what we are going to have each other and like I said, who needs more than clothes food and a TV? I guess we could even do without a TV and trade it for a roof over our heads ;) Anywho, It's a hard decision but with much prayer and consideration I'm sure that we will know what choice to make!