Tuesday, June 21, 2011

REAL Poppin fun weekend!

Well, we had another VERY fun weekend!

Friday: I was able to get off early from work because of working late previously....any weekend that starts with getting off early is going to be a good one. So me and Luke went to Mr. Poppers Penguins! YAY!!!! I've been so excited to see this, and it did not disappoint. Luke said it was good not great if you want an unbiased opinion.

Then we went to the Bountiful Car Show with my parents and the Larkins which was really fun and actually really good weather! We saw a lot of cars...some we wondered why they were even there but a lot of them were really cool! Then we watched the burn out for a little while and headed home.

Saturday: Our day was suppose to start with yard work before it got too hot...but instead Luke stayed in bed sick and I climbed in the truck with the folks to hit some yard sales. I am currently trying to find a bike, no such luck while we were at the garage sales. Then I came home and announced to Luke that we should go to a Real game...so we went to KFC to get the discount vouchers and then relaxed for a little while, deciding that it was still too hot to do any yard work. So then we picked up Joseph and headed out to Rio Tinto, first making a stop at Crown Burger to fill up and then heading to the game. Unfortunately...at first the Colonels Corner was full! Luckily they just moved us to the opposite corner and only a few rows up! So we got $40 dollar tickets for $14, I think that's a deal! It was a fun game even though I really don't understand the game. I'll let you on a little secret though. I love going to these type of events because I LOVE people watching. Luke says that's just a nice way of saying that I'm nosy...which may be true but I'm addicted. I just love watching everyone around me trying to figure out relationships, getting fashion ideas, and just listening to little bits of conversation. So even though I don't understand the game I'm still entertained.

Sunday: Happy Fathers Day! I'm going to get super sappy at this part so you'll just have to bear with me....I am so grateful for the Papa that I have and all that he does for me. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better dad. I've grown up by his side through thunderstorms, road trips to Idaho, fishing trips, crazy boat rides, yard work, Ute games, and just chatting on the front porch. I love all of his stories and how much love he has for all of his family. On the other hand I am extremely sad that I was never able to meet Luke's Dad. I've heard stories and seen pictures and I really wish I could meet the man that helped raise such an amazing man. I know he is in a happy place, but I really wish I could have known him. On our San Diego trip back in May we met some of the friends that grew up with the Beckstead boys and I got so jealous thinking that they got to know John, but I know it's all part of the plan. And who knows if I would have ever met Luke had it not been for the situation. Sunday was a hard one thinking of grandparents that have been lost and not ever meeting Luke's Dad. We don't really go out to the cemetery very often so we decided to grab Joe and head over to the cemetery to clean up the grave and remember him. It wasn't a horrible day, just a hard one. Then, we went up to Luke's grandparents house and I realized that they are my only surviving grandparents and I want to cherish every moment I have with them.

I hope you all had a great fathers day weekend!

Friday, June 17, 2011

This is My life....

Okay before I tell you my story I would like to give you background. I think that I have mentioned that I work at Secure Shredding place as an office manager. Every day people come and go out of my office and I have little conversations with them. The people that I have the most conversations with are the drivers. Their job is to simply go to all of our customers and switch out their full container of paper with an empty one. I have no windows and the machines that actually destroy the paper are extremely loud so sometimes I get a little anxious and ornery....but these are some conversations I have had today.

Conversation #3

Me: I heard you guys got done really early yesterday.

Driver: Yeah we were done so early it was a little ridiculous

Me: Well you won't be done that early today but it doesn't look like it will be too bad which is good for a Friday. :)

Driver: (while looking through his tickets for the day) Yeah it's just a lot of driving and walking around with containers......

Yup he wasn't kidding...I wonder what he normally does.

Conversation #2

Me: Hi!

Person in the hall: Hi Natalie, did you go to the golf tournament yesterday?

Me: Yeah I just went to help I didn't actually golf but it was really fun!

Person in the hall: Must have been exhausting, you look tired.

Me: (in my head) Yeah but not tired enough to punch you in the face

Conversation #3

Boss numero uno: Natalie are you really behind because of yesterday?

Me: (after snapping out of a daydream) No, why?

Boss: I need you to come look at something in my office....

After he leads me into his office and pulls up an excel spreadsheet he then rambles for at least 15 minutes about the spreadsheet he is working on, what he's done what he wants to do yada yada yada then at the end he says so you think about ways to make this simpler, is that okay?

Wow, I guess he thinks I'm an expert at excel...not so much I thought you were showing me a new language you had learned for the last 15 minutes.

Yes, I have a very exciting job and I really do love it for the most part, but I really am tired and anxious and ready to go home. Luckily I'm leaving early today....one hour and counting.

Best part of work today? I wore a penguin shirt without planning it...yes I am going to Mr. Poppers penguins right after work :D

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fun Weekend!

So we had a great weekend this last weekend, so I thought I would share all of you....if anyone is reading this. :)

Friday I was counting down the hours all day at work because I was just so excited to spend some time with the hubs! So, we decided to use the deal that Luke got on Groupon and use our movie tickets to finally go see Pirates of the Caribbean. We splurged and saw it in 3D because the tickets cost a total of 5 dollars even with the extra fee. First we went to NYPD pizza and had some yummy pizza and wings. Highly recommend that place! :)

Then we went to Tinseltown in Layton...which I don't recommend spending almost 12 dollars a ticket to go hear, it basically felt like the theater in Bountiful that costs 8 dollars...but the movie was amazing! We didn't go until 10:15 since we wanted to have dinner first so Luke was half asleep for the whole thing and ended up buying a 4 dollar drink to keep us awake. I highly recommend that movie! I love Johnny Depp and I think he's done an amazing job as Jack Sparrow in all of the movies.

Saturday we started out with doing some yard work in the morning, we thought we had gotten up early enough to beat the heat but we still got pretty hot and called it quits before we did everything we wanted to do. I did manage to shatter our neighbors van window while weed whacking, which I felt completely awful about! We told them we'd be willing to pay for a new one, but I am glad whatever flew out and hit the window didn't fly out and hit me! Then we relaxed and watched our current series addiction...Veronica Mars until it was time to get ready for the Bees game! I was so excited to win tickets on 101.9 the end for the game and that it was a night they were doing fireworks. So Luke, Joe and I all loaded up in the truck and headed to Downtown Philly for a sandwich before the game. If you haven't tried that place yet, you should! It's downtown by the Broadway theater, and I've never had a Philly from Philly but this place is delicious and supposedly very similar. Then we made our way down to the game and found our seats which were actually really good and not around a whole ton of people. Unfortunately eventually a group of people came and sat by us with sunflower seeds....which is fine it's a baseball game right? Not when they spit the seeds right by your feet, and some even landed in the ladies purse in front of us! EW! I really wish now one of us would have said something...but such is life. The game went on forever..I'm not even sure how many innings total but we stuck it out to the end so we could see the fireworks and I'm super glad we did! They were amazing!

Lastly on Sunday we slept in and headed up to Layton to see my awesome nephew get ordained a deacon. We are so proud of him! Then we headed home and just slept and relaxed the rest of our Sunday away. Other than of course watching Dallas win The Finals! I am not a huge basketball follower but I sure was happy the dream team heat didn't win. :)

Now if I can just get through 4 more days after today we'll be in another weekend and I have a feeling this weekend is going to include penguins. :) Happy Monday everyone.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Who Knew?

Okay, so yesterday I went to the Eye doctor with The Hubs and learned the following things...

1- You should change your contacts every 2 weeks

2- The Hubs has "robust" nerves in his eyes

3- Our insurance stinks

4- We love our eye doctor!

Want to know how I learned those things? If not then just stop reading....

So we headed into the doctor because both of us were out of contacts and our prescriptions were expired so we couldn't order anymore. Yup, why else would we get regular check ups right? So, we waited for a few minutes and then they took us on back after doing the freaky test that you look at the tree and then they puff your eyes...me? I had to get my eyes puffed twice each because as soon I know that's going to happen then I can't keep my freaking eyes open!

She examined me first because I had my contacts in at the time, I always feel so stupid when I look at the line of letters with one eye and then when you switch eyes you can see it better and realize that you were way off. She was nice though and didn't laugh too much at me.

Then I took out my contacts and Luke took a turn. She apparently was in love with Lukes eyes she kept on saying how perfect they looked and so healthy! Of course we spend a ton of money for him to be able to wear dailies and throw them away at the end of every night so that his eyes don't feel like a desert! She then told us that she had recommended last year that we get our eyes dilated...ew. So she gave luke the drops and told him she'd check him again after me.

Then it's my turn, she asks me how I feel my eyes have been doing. I told her sometimes by the end of the day my eyes feel a little blurry and they hurt but it's normally because I need a new pair of contacts. She then asked me how long I normally wear my contacts. (I was thinking the right answer was four weeks for some reason) So I told her that I change them once a month but I'm not perfect at it. So she then examined my eyes telling me that I have blood vessels where I shouldn't have them and that eyes do that when they don't have enought oxygen. This is normally a result of not changing your contacts often enough or using a generic brand of contact solution (which I also do) She then informed me that you should be changing your contacts every 2 weeks....OOPS! So she kicked me out of the chair and looked to see if Luke's pupils were big enough, sure enough they were huge! So we switched spots again.

This is when she really fell in love with his eyes. She was explaining that when she does this she can basically see everything in your eye including nerves, and your eyes are the only place you can do this. So the eyes are more than windows to your soul, who knew right? Wel she said Luke had VERY healthy nerves....she then went to say in fact she would describe them as robust! She was very excited lookin inside his eyes.

Then it was my turn again, she said that my nerves were very healthy as well but not robust...dang it! But we both got a bill of clean health other than my vessels showing up where they shouldn't. So she left to go get some trials for us and Luke was giving me a hard time for wearing my contacts for so long....I then informed him that I just said that because I thought it was correct, I normally go longer. In fact, my current contacts I had in were probably at least 2 months old.....Yup he got pretty upset and said he was going to tell on me. But luckily he didn't.

Also, the whole time she was talking to Luke about school, what she has to do and that he's welcome to come and shadow her if she'd like because he told her he'd thought about going into optometry..I hear a new one every day. She is very very nice and I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone. Her name is Dr. Keiser at the Sugarhouse Vision Clinic.

Then she got us our contacts, we paid our 70 dollars...yup that's ridiculous and we were on our way. I learned a lot! :) Here is some pics for your viewing pleasure of us in our dilated glasses....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What If? .......

Okay so my mind has been full of a lot of "what ifs" lately. Here are a few that bog me down....

What if I had started school right out of high school?

What if Luke was already done with school?

What if we had kids already?

What if we lived in another state?

What if we had more money?

What if we had a dog?

What if I had a different job?

What if I was skinnier?

What if I was a runner or a dancer?

Well, I've decided that instead of dwelling on the what ifs of the past I am determined to ask what if for the future and make my life a little more interesting! So I am going to set some what if goals for the rest of the 2011 year and maybe some for the next couple of years (most important ones will be finished this year since the world is ending in 2012). So here is a sneak peek to what I hope my life will become.....

What if I were to go back to school?

What if I lost 20 pounds by the end of summer?

What if Luke and I were to go on a camping trip for the first time?

What if I were to run at least 2 more 5k's this summer?

What if we tried to do something crazy and spontaneous once a week?

What if I went to the temple at least once a month?

What if I thought positively positive?

What if I were to enjoy my job to the fullest while I have it?

Here's to thinking towards the future and making it happen! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

I aM dOiNg IT!

I am coming on here to solidify my decision. I am going back to school! It is VERY scary and we'll see if it lasts, but I am doing it. Ever since I was little and using the chalkboard that we had downstairs to teach imaginary school I have wanted to be a teacher. What kind of teacher is the next question asked when I tell people this. Well, I am not sure! I either would like to be a special needs teacher or an Elementary school teacher. I would love to just quit my job and crank out some insane school hours and just get er done. But that's not going to be happening right away at least. I plan on going to SLCC to get my associates and then if they'll have me I would like to go to the U. Any suggestions or comments from teachers, former teachers or someone that is also going through school for this would be greatly appreciated....but for now I guess I better actually get registered for school ha ha! I have bounced around with a lot of different options of what I would go back to school for including, office manager type stuff, nurse, a professional organizer/interior design and many other things. But the teacher thing just keeps coming back up and when I look deep in my heart I know that it is what I want to do. So the adventure begins.....