Tuesday, September 29, 2009

nEw AdDiTiOn To ThE FaMiLy!

Well, we still aren't pregnant so don't get too excited:) But, we did get the cutest Kitty ever! Our friends parents were moving and couldn't keep her so we were able to take her! Her name was princess....this had to go. So she is officially the last addition to our Seinfeld family. Elaine, but we call her Laney is so much fun. She officially can't walk anywhere, she has to run or jump.

For those of you wondering what I meant by our Seinfeld family. Our first pets as a couple were guinea pigs named kosmo and george and we named a stray cat that comes around Jerry. :) Here are some super cute pics of us with Laney, enjoy! And hopefully i'll be able to update the blog a little more often :)

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